A Vampirish Goth Night in Sacramento
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager aka The Demon Warrior

Date: August 14, 2009, Friday:  Sometimes I think I am the vampire.  I don't sleep at night, because I am on the
hunt for a story, or I am writing a story that keeps me up throughout the whole night.  This Friday, I am up early
because I have two ladies I need to interview.  Both ladies had some interesting paranormal experiences and I
want to know more about them.  Let's go with our first interview.  Ahhhh…hold on.  You probably want to see the
pictures from Goth night first.  Okay, let’s check those out first, here goes:

Goth Night Pictures

Okay, now let’s move on with the first interviewee.

Interviewee: Vicci Williams.  Vicci has an unusual story to tell.  Her mother was a natural witch and so was her
grandmother.  In fact her family tree shows that she is from a long line of witches.  Vicci has been experiencing
the paranormal since the age of 9.  When she lived in Salem , Oregon , she remembers seeing her rooster piggy
bank floating in the air.  For a little 9 year girl this was a terrifying experience.  While living in this home, she
remembers hearing a baby crying, footsteps that sounded like women's high heels walking up to the door.  The
footsteps were heard often and one day her father opened the door as the footsteps reached the door and when
he opened the door, there was nothing there.  They moved from Salem , Oregon to Pasadena .  The paranormal
activity followed them to Pasadena .  One night in their Pasadena home, Vicci's parents found Vicci and her sister
hanging outside of their bedroom window by their heels.  They learned that in the Pasadena home, a woman had
murdered her children in this home.  She has no idea why the home in Salem was haunted, but living in 2
different homes, one in Salem and one in Pasadena and they were both haunted was unimaginable, but yet it
happened.  The Pasadena house was quite unusual, because Vicci would always find polished rocks in the yard
and she wonders to this day, if it had anything to do with the paranormal activity.  I will be exploring more of Vicci's
story in a future article.

Interviewee: Adrina Wilkerson.  Adrina is only 23 years old, but she has witnessed the paranormal.  When Adrina
lived on 51st Street in Sacramento , she would hear footsteps in the attic, knockings on walls and the front door
would open on its own.  Her first paranormal experience was when she was 14 years old.  On one Christmas Eve
her father and her godfather witnessed a full body apparition in their living room.  The odd thing about this full
body apparition is that it wore a white sheet.  The apparition vanished in front of her father and godfather's eyes.  
Her little brother never liked living in this house.  Adrina would always feel like there was something watching her.  
When she moved to San Francisco on her own, she heard an unseen entity walk past her.  The entity was
giggling and hissing.  She has felt the fear of these unseen forces and to this very day, she will only sleep with
the lights on.  I will periodically check up on Adrina and see if the activities have stopped or if they continued.

The interviews are finished and now it's Goth Night!  I head over to Shannon 'Ms. Macabre' McCabe's home and
ride over to Old Sacramento - Vegas Nightclub with Carol Gillis driving and fellow passenger Yolanda Fowler.  We
listen to Super Massive Black Hole by News on the way to Old Sacramento.  Yolanda is part of the Goth culture
and Carol Gillis is a self-proclaimed vampiress.  HPI Paranormal Investigators present were: Shannon 'Ms.
Macabre' McCabe, Paul Dale Roberts, Timothy Hawkins, Carol Gillis, Yolanda Fowler.  HPI Paranormal Assistants
present were: Janine, Merilee.  Shannon and I will be promoting our HPI Vampire Halloween Ball.  In fact you can
learn more about this Ball at:

I wanted to learn if there was a connection to the Goth culture and the vampire culture.  The true answer to this is
'yes', but do our 'Goths' in this club know the connection.  Well, let's find out, I started conducting my interviews.

Kunt Tabula:

Kunt is a very beautiful pig-tailed blonde.  She tells me that the Goth culture did originate from the vampire
culture.  She says it started with Vlad Tepes and everyone accepts immortality.  To accept immortality is also the
ability to accept death.  Kunt got into the Goth culture because she would see gangster wannabes who were into
hip hop dying early deaths, because of their criminal activities.  Kunt would see death all around her and started
wearing black as a sense of mourning.  She also says that wearing black helps her absorb energy.  Her favorite
Goth song is Happiness in Slavery by Nine Inch Nails.  Kunt has some exceptional tattoos.  She has an Ankh on
her chest area and the words 'Is God' with an arrow pointing at a certain location of her body.  She says the Ankh
is her way of saying she can do what she wants to do eternally.

Julie Hubbard:

She does not believe the Goth culture is connected with vampirism.  Julie wears black to embrace darkness and
death.  Julie's favorite Goth group is Sisters of Mercy.

Courtney Chadwich:

Courtney says that the Goth culture is connected with vampirism.  Courtney says that she wears black to mourn
for the human race and it's easier to wash black clothes.  Courtney is into Bela Lugosi is Dead.

The pulsating Goth music had the Goths out on the floor swaying to the music.  The fog machine engulfed the air
with mist.  I had to step outside for a while to gather my bearings and admire the huge black Hearst that was
parked outside. I later learn that a Goth named John Marsh owns this gorgeous vehicle.  I hope one day, I will be
able to get a ride in this fine black machine.

Well, the Goth culture does not seem as prevalent as San Francisco or New York , but if clubs like Vegas
continue to promote Goth music and the Goth culture, maybe we will start seeing more people wearing black.  It's
definitely an interesting culture.  Now to other news.  Below are HPI News and Events:

Old West Ghost Investigations:
Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior received a call from two of his fans - Melissa Bryan and Dan Bryan of
Old West Ghost Investigations - PO Box 712, Arroyo Seco, NM 87514 (575) 779-3180 Cell - https://www.freewebs.
com/owgi -- They are here in California to do some investigations and so far they have investigated Melissa's
parent's haunted home. They heard footsteps and voices; they obtained EVPs of train whistles. They also
investigated the Winchester Mystery House and the Queen Mary. In their photos at the Queen Mary, they
obtained 2 full body apparitions and photos of blue, orange and white orbs. They also took a picture of what they
think is a shadow person at the Queen Mary. They conducted an investigation of my home and obtained all sorts
of orbs in their photos. Disclaimer: Orbs are not an indication of paranormal activity, unless you can prove
intelligent movement. I gave them a list of places to see in Sacramento . To see pictures of Melissa and Bryan, go

Professor Armagan Emre Cakir Talks about The Invisible Porcupine Man of Sedona:
Dear Mr. Roberts,

I am a university professor from Turkey . My name is Armagan Emre Cakir. My field of study is politics and
international relations, but in my spare time
I read on paranormal. I read your column entitled "The Invisible Porcupine
Man of Sedona" with great interest. This reminded me of the story of a
person called Abu Dujana. He was one of the friends or acquaintances of the
Prophet Mohammad from the Seventh Century. He had an experience similar to
that of the gentleman in Sedona. It was with the help of the Prophet that he
got rid of this problem.

In the following link, if you search for the name "Abu Dujana" you will
find his story:


In my humble opinion, most -or maybe all- the phenomena that involves
disembodied entities (ghosts, spirits...) are in fact caused by jinns. There
is a holistic approach in this line, developed by a contemporary writer
called Ahmed Hulusi. His free online book can be accessed on the following
website (the book is called "Spirit, Man, Jinn", and the link to it is at
the bottom of the page):


I reckon that since these entities have been created from a kind of energy,
sometimes touching them gives the feeling of touching electric sparks, which
may be mistaken with the quills of a porcupine. This reminds me of plasma
lamps (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_lamp) and may explain the
phenomenon of fire balls, orbs and vortices.

I thank you once again for that interesting column. I have also found the
treasure of your other articles on https://www.true-ghost-story.com/ and am
about to devour them. If for any reason, if want to refer to me in a writing
I would prefer you to use my first name Armagan only.

Regards, and best wishes from Turkey ,

Armagan Emre Cakir
Email: acakir@marmara.edu.tr

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager, Paranormal Investigator & Ghostwriter
Shannon McCabe's HPI
Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International
My comic book The Legendary Dark Silhouette is being made into a movie, see link below:
www.tldsmovie.org - You can actually get involved with this movie, find out how!
Mysteries of Angels & Demons featuring Demonologist Paul Dale Roberts can be purchased at:
Paul on Wikipedia, click link below:
WPRT Paranormal Radio - Content Editor
Email: Pauld5606@comcast.net
Paranormal Cellular Hotline: 916 203 7503 (for comments on this

If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI

Copyright 2009 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright 2009
all rights reserved.
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Ms Macabe by Richard Vasseur of
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