Read the Interview with Lady Seer Here
Read the Garage Man of Marysville
Read the Old Hag Syndrome article
Read Crop Circles: Doug & Dave Here
Read A Haunting in Pioneer Here
Read Morphing Transforming UFO's
Read about Alese Osborn: Psychic
Read about Notorious BIG Here
Read about the Avatar or Hope vs. The
Avatar of Evil- Shannon &
Paul's Review of Brad Steiger's
new book
"Real Vampires"
Read about a Vampirish Goth Night
Read about Xara the Zombris (Zombie)
Read about Demonic Possession Here
Chantal and the Zombie Here
Read about A Haunted Night in Truckee
Read the Ginger Henderson story here

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager, Paranormal Investigator & Ghostwriter

Shannon McCabe's HPI
Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International

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Copyright 2009 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright 2009 all rights reserved.
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Witchapalooza!  Kristy Swanson &
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Haunted Gay High School, TX Here
A Haunting interview about FEMA here
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HPI Haunted locations here
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Read a haunting in Stockton Tyrol
Lane + New Moon
Read a haunting in Fort Bragg Here
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Read UFO Incident at Fort Benning Here
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New Years Eve 2010 at Darkness Here
The haunted Oroville Cottage Here:
The Haunted Ione Hotel with Evidence
Another Witness to UFO's at Fort Benning
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Visited by ET's: No Doubt Here
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soon!  Tickets for 2010 only $10.00...
Interview with Eliahi Priest here
The Chupacabra in San Diego here:
Tour Placerville with Shannon & Paul Here:
Review of Real Zombies by Brad Steiger
Interview with psychic Jennifer Newell here
The Humpin Phantom of the Barracuda Club
Interview with Raven Backrak, Solitary Practitioner Witch
Interviewed by Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager

Question: Tell us something personal about yourself.
Your recreational activities, hobbies, family life, etc.

Answer: My recreational activities are I love horse back
riding, hiking. I am open to anything with the outdoors,
anything Earthy. My hobbies are candle making, soap
making, essence making with herbs, gardening, working
with my magic, essential oil making. I have 5 children of
my own and 2 step-children. Their age ranges are 15 to
34. 5 girls and 2 boys. I am a grandmother of 4 children.
I didn’t know that you can love your grandchildren as much
as your own. I was born in Toledo, Ohio (the Buck-eye state).
I have lived in many places like: Los Altos, Sunnyvale, Monte
Vista, Citrus Heights, Loomis and Grass Valley. I have lived in

To see more pictures of Raven, stop by

Question: You mentioned that you had three paranormal experiences; can you tell us about them? I’m
curious, since I am also a paranormal writer.

Answer: When I moved to Sunnyvale in 1966, I was walking home from the 7-Eleven with a Slurpee in
hand. I looked up in the cloudy sky and I saw a castle in the clouds. The castle looked like it was made of
clay. It looked very inviting. When I saw it, I was in disbelief in what I was seeing. I looked down, shook my
head in amazement and disbelief, when I looked up it was gone.

My second paranormal experience is when I was a teenager; my girlfriend and I were babysitting the
neighbor’s kids across the street. The children were sleeping. My girlfriend’s grandmother had a real
crystal ball. When we saw this crystal ball, we thought it would be fun to have a séance. When we
conducted the séance a blue orb appeared in the corner. We were scared and in awe. The orb was 6
inches in diameter and getting bigger. It was round and neon blue in color. When we broke the circle due
to fright, the orb vanished.

My third paranormal experience was in August of 2010. I decided I wanted to invoke a spirit of good will,
and in doing so I made up an altar of candles symbolizing the God and Goddess, a super deity of love and
protection. I recited the invocation and blew out the candles. Nothing immediately happened so I went to
the kitchen to start shutting down the house. When I came back to the living room, and on the eastside of
the living room above the lead glass windows I saw a banner of stars. It looked like a Milky Way rainbow.
Once again I was in total awe of what I was seeing, and perhaps a little in shock. I then decided I would lie
down on the couch, and when looking up there was one star shinning over my head. I remember talking to
the star without getting any answers.

Question: Now this is what the readers been waiting for. Tell me how you became a witch.

Answer: In August of 2000, I initiated myself as a witch to the God and Goddess. I just finished my
initiation, when at that very moment, my husband at the time says: “You have to come out and see this!
You have to come out and see this! We were living in Grass Valley at the time; the property was full of
digger pines. In one of the pine trees, my husband was completely enthralled at what he was seeing. On a
digger pine on top of the hill, the tree was completely covered with Ravens. I feel the Raven is my
protective spirit. My symbol of initiating into witchdom is the Raven and henceforth, I took on the name
Raven. As a witch, I am still confronted by Ravens. I equate them to a guardian angel.

Question: Do you use your witchdom powers to help and assist people?

Answer: Definitely. I use my powers for healing. I do financial help for people. My spells seem very
successful. Anything I wish for or someone wishes for, I can conjure up spells to assist that person, if they
have a good reason for the wish. I also conduct tarot readings and I have a high accuracy rate in gaining
the knowledge of a person’s persona. I can do this without the person asking me questions. Tarots should
never be considered as a final act, because I believe the person I am reading for, can always change their

Question: You are a very personable and enchanting person. I want to ask you something off-the-wall. If
you had 6 dinner guests, 3 historical and 3 fictional, who would they be and why?

Answer: Mother Teresa, John F. Kennedy, and Elvis… Anita Blake, Barnabus Collins (Dark shadows), and
Puff the Magic Dragon…
Some of these historical and fictional characters are right off the top of my mind, and have very prevalent
meanings such as, good will, charity, democratic views, and people who will never really know, if people
will really love you for yourself… Vampires, Witches and Necromancers would be the entertainment.

Question: What is your favorite song? .

Answer: ? Witchy Woman of course, by the Eagles. About a woman that has enchanting powers over men.
American Pie represents the laid back times of the 70’s.

Question: What movies, TV shows and books do you like?

Answer: Paranormal, thrillers, and action.

Question: What do you think of the dark arts?

Answer: Satanism belongs to the Christian Church. As being a Wiccan or a witch there is no such deity in
our beliefs.
We believe in Karma, and practice the Three Fold Rule: “What ever you do comes back to you three
times, Good or Bad.!

Question: Do you have pets?

Answer: I had all kind of animals domesticated and livestock. Too many to name. My true love are dogs
and horses, not necessarily in that order. The most significant is Raven the Raven, Missy the Corkie,
Shiloh - part Collie / German Shepherd; Raider the Australian Shepherd and my horse Roger. They all
have different personalities and they were the love of my life.

Question: Is there anything I am missing, that I should have asked you?

Answer: I have an interest in Metaphysics. I am multisensory; meaning that I go beyond the five senses.

Question: How can someone contact you? Are you on Facebook and if you are what name should they
type in to find you?

Answer: You can contact me by email at:, and as Raven Backrak on Facebook

Question: Do you have any words of wisdom for your readers?

Answer: Yes… Don’t practice magic without protection! You wouldn’t want any of those malevolent spirits
camping out under your bed…

Note: This interview was conducted on June 3, 2010, Thursday at Barnes & Noble/Starbucks - Birdcage
Walk - Citrus Heights, CA. Raven has a very unique quality. Pictures have been taken of Raven and at
times she looks different in every single picture. She is a chameleon/changeling via the photographs that
are taken of her.

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager
aka The Demon Warrior
Shannon McCabe's HPI (Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International)
Baycon 2010 - Shannon & Paul on the Panel Part 1:
Baycon 2010 - Part 2
Shannon McCabe/Paul Dale Roberts Paranormal Speaking Engagement at the Elk Grove Library:
HPI's Catlike Demon of Vacaville (Video)
Cellular Paranormal Hotline: 916 203 7503
If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI
"The Raven" by Shannon
McCabe's Husband,
Bruce Kubel
The Eagles
"Witchy Woman"
If you'd like to pause the song
"Witchy Woman" scroll down.
Interview with Raven the witch here