Read the Interview with Lady Seer Here
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Read Crop Circles: Doug & Dave Here
Read A Haunting in Pioneer Here
Read Morphing Transforming UFO's
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Avatar of Evil- Shannon &
Paul's Review of Brad Steiger's
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Read about a Vampirish Goth Night
Read about Xara the Zombris (Zombie)
Read about Demonic Possession Here
Chantal and the Zombie Here
Read about A Haunted Night in Truckee

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Copyright 2009 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright 2009 all rights reserved.
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Read UFO Incident at Fort Benning Here
Read about the Valencia Club Here:
New Years Eve 2010 at Darkness Here
The haunted Oroville Cottage Here:
The Haunted Ione Hotel with Evidence
Another Witness for Incident at Fort Benning .
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Fortean Investigator

I am a paranormal writer and a Fortean investigator.  I investigate all things paranormal.  I write articles
about the paranormal.  I write articles of my interviews with people, my investigations and my research.  I am
probably the most assessable paranormal investigator in the nation or perhaps in the world.  Why? Because
in all of my articles, I have my contact information.  My cell phone number and my email address are on all of
my articles.  At 0930 Hours on January 15, 2010 , I received a call.  This is how it went down.  I will call the
caller Ocelot; he does not want to be identified.

Cell phone ringtone (X-Files theme) rings.

Paul:  Hello?

Ocelot:  How are you doing? Are you that paranormal guy?

Paul:  I guess you can say that.  I am Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager for Haunted and Paranormal
Investigations International.  How can I help you?

Ocelot:  I don’t know if you can help me, but I noticed you talk about John Vasquez in your articles.

Paul: John Vasquez, author of
Incident at Fort Benning ?

Ocelot:  Yes, that John.  I want to let you know I was around during that incident.  I will talk to you briefly
about it, but I don’t want my name all over the Internet.  I have a very important job and I don’t want to look
like a damn fool.

Paul:  Sure.  I will be writing up an article and you won’t be identified.  I don’t even know your name anyway,
you never told me.

Ocelot:  Am not telling you either.  I had nightmares of that f----- place.  I was in jump school and when the
UFOs came over the base that night, I was in formation. We all stood there in disbelief.

Paul:  What unit were you in?

Ocelot:  Nope, not giving you that information, you’re trying to pin me down, trying to get my identity.  I’m not
falling for that….

Paul:  Okay, sorry, please continue.

Ocelot:  We all stood there in disbelief.  There were about 6 disc shaped objects zipping through the sky.  
Military helicopters seemed to be engaging the discs.  One disc that seemed out of sync with the other
objects swooped down towards us.  Every soldier dropped to the ground.  They were all sleeping, including
Top.  Note: Top means first sergeant.  There were only 3 standing and I was one of the soldiers standing.  
Huge beams hit the three of us and we floated to the ships.  When I was inside, I was able to see my
surroundings, everything was white, and the lights were bright inside.  I could not move my arms or legs, I
could not talk.  I wanted to f------ scream, but I couldn’t.  Then I saw 3 big headed alien creatures in
jumpsuits talking with some f------- human looking guy in sunglasses and a black suit!  I am telling you, it was
a human in there with those alien f---ks and he was in cahoots with those f-------kers.  Man, excuse my
language, every time I think about this s---t, it p-----ses me off.  

The g—d d—mn military knows what the h—is going on, because they were working with those f------kers.

Paul:  Wait a minute, if you think the military helicopters were engaging the UFOs, how could we be in

Ocelot:  That is all bull----t.  It was a joint military/UFO exercise.  I believe it has to do with the military and
their UFO buddies fighting another out of this world threat.  While I was inside that UFO spaceship or
whatever you want to call it, I was subjected to all kinds of torment.  I believe I have a f----king implant inside
of my head.  Sometimes I get extreme migraine headaches.  Sometimes I feel like the thing is moving around
in my head.  Since the incident in September 1977, I have been abducted 3 times.  They come through my
bedroom walls and take me and there is not a damn thing I can do about it.  I give John Vasquez a lot of
credit for stepping up and talking about this crap.  That takes a lot of guts.  I hope the truth will come out, I
am so sick of these cover-ups.  These bug headed aliens….

Paul:  Are they ‘grays’?

Ocelot:  Yeah, some people call them grays, I call them bug heads.  These bug head aliens were able to
communicate with me through telepathy.  They could read my thoughts.  I saw some kind of hologram and it
was scenes of the Earth, one town they showed me looked like some old European town and everyone was
dressed in some kind of medieval attire.

Paul:  Like from the renaissance period?

Ocelot:  I guess so, it looked like they were secretly video taped as they carried on their daily chores and
routines.  This tall bug head creature pointed to the hologram and I could read his thoughts, he was telling
me this is our past history and they have been interacting with us from the beginning of time.

Paul:  Were you always aware you were abducted in 1977?

Ocelot:  No not at all, it was just 4 years ago; I went through hypnosis by a friend of my wife.  I have been
having nightmares since 1977 and I was getting bits and pieces of this and that.  I almost got into a car
accident, because I had a 5 second flashback of being abducted from my bedroom while my wife lay in bed
dead asleep.  Finally I had enough and my wife’s friend knew how to put me under and she obtained all of
this information about the 1977 incident and my abductions.   Witnesses to the 1977 event don’t remember
what happened, because their memories were wiped clean.  Look Paul, I’m no whack job, I know what I
experienced.  The military MUST have some kind of documents on what happened in 1977 in
Fort Benning.  
They MUST!

Paul:  I will do whatever I can to obtain the truth.  I will probably send out a message on Facebook to see if
there are any more witnesses.  I want to thank you for this incredible story.  Is there anything else you would
like to talk about?

Ocelot:  Not really.

Paul:  Have you ever had any paranormal experiences before 1977?

Ocelot:  Nope.

Paul:  Have you experienced anything paranormal besides the UFOs and abductions?

Ocelot:  Nope.  Why?

Paul:  Just curious.  I was seeing if you are acceptable to paranormal events and experiences.

Ocelot:  As acceptable as all of the soldiers were on that night in
Fort Benning .

Paul:  I understand.

Ocelot:  Look man, I have to run, I hope the information I gave you helps.

Paul:  Anything helps, I appreciate the information.  Thank you again.  Goodbye.

Ocelot.  Yeah, no problem.  Bye.
Read UFO Incident at Fort Benning Here
Read Morphing Transforming UFO's
Shannon "Ms Macabre" McCabe
Owner of HPI Paranormal
Emulates the Renaissance
Blondie "Rapture" Mashed up with
Doors "Riders on the Storm"
by GO HOME Productions
Doors "Riders on the Storm"
by GO HOME Productions