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Interview with Adam Gragg
Job: writer
Comic Book: Female Force: J.K. Rowling
Bluewater Productions
Interviewed by: Allen Klingelhoets
Field Marshal

Allen: It has been long time since I had chance to
interview you Adam.  
Read Here

How did you go from Styx & Stone to working on
Female Force: J.K.Rowling?

Adam: I’ve done a lot of things in addition to Styx
and Stone.  Gosh, it’s been a LONG time since I
did that interview.  Needless to say I’ve grown up
some, both physically and mentally…and this time
around I’m not doped up on any sort of NO2
supplement…although I did just finish up with my trainer.

I guess it is kind of funny when you stop think about it.  Styx and Stone is a very adult themed horror book
whereas this is much more family friendly.  Basically, it’s as simple as “I was offered the job” As a fan of the Harry
Potter series, I couldn’t turn it down.  

Allen: How did the concept for this comic happen?

Adam: It’s part of Bluewater’s Female Force line.  Basically, it’s a series of books that feature women who have
gone on to do incredible things in many different fields, whether it’s television, politics or in this case, writing.

Allen: What sort of things do you plan on covering in story?

Adam: This book is all about her life.  Her own story is pretty amazing and just as interesting as the series she
wrote.  I am going to cover her early childhood when she first started telling stories at 6 years old, people who
left influences on her life and, of course, her own journey writing the Harry Potter series.

Allen: Are you a big fan of J.K Rowling books?

Adam: Very much so.  For the last three books, I was there at midnight, waiting for my copy along with hundreds
of other fans…although I think in 2005, there were closer to a thousand fans at the store I went to.

I remember when I first started reading them.  It was back in 2000, right before “Harry Potter and the Goblet of
Fire” was released.  I was also going on tour with the Continentals that summer.  I had just speed read the first
three books before going on the road and had to buy the book while living on a tour bus.  For the first week I
could NOT put it down and spent every free minute reading it.  After that, I was hooked.  My best friend Matt and
I would spend hours chatting about what might happen in the next book and looking up rumors.  It was a lot of

Allen: How many times have you seen Harry Potter movies?

Adam: Let see…quite a few times actually.  I have all the ones available on DVD.  I think the one I’ve seen the
most is “Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone” simply because it was the first one out and I enjoyed geeking out
to it.  I’ve seen all of them many times, except the most recent one. I have only seen recent one once.

Allen: Is it more difficult for you to write fiction compared to non-fiction stories?

Adam: Strangely enough, it’s actually harder for me to write non-fiction.  I have a somewhat overactive
imagination and find myself getting lost in it, which is probably why I enjoy writing so much.  I tend to think in
epics.  I can come up with a very complex story line and corresponding characters rather quickly for almost any

Non-fiction is a totally different entity altogether.  You have very definitive sources to draw from.  The question
no longer is “What is the story?” it becomes “How can I tell this?” You do lose some of the freedom that you
have with fiction…but then again, sometimes real life can be just as interesting…if not more so.

Allen: Are there restrictions that you have to follow when writing biography comic?

Adam: There are some you have to observe.  For a story like this, you have to totally focus on her life.  It’s easy
to want to bring some of the focus onto the characters from her Harry Potter series.  However, it’s easy to get
carried away like that. You’ll find that this book is about her and her life.

Allen: Tell me about story length of script. How many versions will there be of Female Force: J.K. Rowling?

Adam: There will be a couple versions of this book.  The first will be a standard comic book, 22 pages of story.  
The 2nd will be in more of a graphic novel format

Allen: What will larger version contain which makes it worth more compared to regular issue? What kinds of
extras will expanded edition contain? Do you also know if there will be an exclusive copy like exclusive Female
Force Stephenie Meyer comic?

Adam:  I am actually very excited about the 2nd version. With the extended version, we are including a
supplement in which we explore some of the inspirations she gathered before writing Harry Potter, not to
mention some of the locations from the series that exist in our world like Kings Cross Station, people from history
and other tidbits of information.

Allen: Who is artist and cover artist? Tell me a little about how they enhance you script?

Adam: The Cover Artist is Joshua Labello who was also the artist on the Michelle Obama book.  The Interior
Artist is Matt Flier.  I’m not too familiar with him, but he’s not too bad.  I will say this, it was very surreal seeing
myself as a character drawn by him for the first time.

Allen: What is best way to get copy? When will story be published?

Adam: As far as I know, the comic version is coming out in December and I would imagine will be available in
most comic book shops.  The graphic Novel version will be available at Borders and Barnes and Noble, but I don’
t know about the release date for that…Darren?

Allen: I will try to get release date information from Darren for Matt Flier interview. How long has this script been
in production? How long did it take you to write script?

Adam: I started writing this back in…I THINK February.  It’s still kind of a work in progress, making last minute
changes here and there before final publication.

Allen: Who will be telling biography story in story viewpoint?

Adam: I will…really.  I’m actually a character in the book, although I look quite different in real life now.  
Underwent a bit of a makeover at the beginning of the summer.

Allen: What do you feel you have learned the most while writing J.K. Rowling script?

Adam: I’ve learned that there really isn’t any sort of obstacle in your way that you can’t overcome.  Granted it
may take time, and a few life lessons, but anything is possible.  I think I say that in there too somewhere…

Allen: Take me through some of the research you went through creating Female Force: J.K. Rowling script.

Adam: Well first of all, it was NOT easy.  JK Rowling or Jo is famous for being extremely protective of her
personal life.  I really had to dig.  I had to order books about her, and research her online, watch interviews with
her and I just scoured her website, trying to find information she was willing to share with the public.

Allen: Have you ever had honor to talk to J.K Rowling while working on script?

Adam: Gosh…no I haven’t, but wouldn’t that be something!  Somehow though, I think the conversation might
shift over to our favorite writers.  Hers is Jessica Mitford…mine is Terry Pratchett.

Allen: Are you ready for media attention from this story? There huge audience for Harry Potter books. Are you
intimidated or are you truly honored to work on comic about J.K. Rowling?

Adam: hmmmm…That’s a very good question.  I don’t know if I am ready for the media attention…if there is any
(laughs) Intimidated?  You’d better believe it.  Honored, obviously, but there is MILLIONS of Harry Potter fans
that want to know more about her.  Some of them are going to pick up the book and you can bet I’m going be
wondering what they think.

Allen: If you had chance to sit down to dinner with J.K. Rowling. What would you like to ask her about her life?

Adam:  I don’t think I would ask her about her life.  I think we would just socialize and then go
shopping…probably for shoes (I need some new trainers and a new pair of Chuck Taylors) If I WERE to ask her
about her life, I’d probably be curious as to how her kids are taking all this, and also, what was it like for her
daughter Jessica, having to wait along with everyone else for the next book.

Allen:  How have things been going for you since our last interview? Have you been healthy? Get any new pets?
Start playing Guitar Hero or other video games?

Adam: You better believe it.  I’m actually in better shape now then when we last chatted.  No new pets…one
insane demonic cat (Snickers) is enough.  Everyone THINKS she’s my gramma’s cat, but she’s made it clear (to
me anyway) that she’s MY cat.

Guitar Hero…that’s a good question.  In addition to being a writer, I’m also a musician.  I play in two bands and
am always on the look out for more gigs! (Anyone in Des Moines need a keyboardist with a kickass Roland
FantomX8 workstation piano…hit me up!) Playing in bands kind of spoil you from a game like guitar hero but I
AM enjoying Spore and The Sims 3!

Allen: Have you any future convention appearances planned?

Adam: I’m planning on going to I-Con this year in Altoona Iowa…probably as a spectator though…I might bring a
few books along but nothing official.  Beyond that…who knows!

Allen: Have you seen any interesting movies?  
Have you read many good books like to mention?

Adam: Not too many movies…I’m more of a
TV person…Dexter, Doctor Who…etc…

Books…oh dear, here come the floodgates.  
Practically EVERY Discworld book written by
Terry Pratchett I would like to mention, but
there are far too many.  Along with JK Rowling,
pTerry (to his fans) is one of the most influential
writers I have ever had the extreme pleasure of
experiencing.  I just finished “Small Gods” which
was a great read…especially for someone who is
keen on religion.

Allen: What is best way to contact you? Do you have website? Do you have Twitter account? Or any of those
social networking sites like Facebook, or MySpace?

Adam:  I am on facebook and myspace, but I rarely use my myspace account anymore.  See if you can find me
on Facebook…that’s part of the fun!

Allen: What other projects are you working on next?

Adam: For Bluewater, I am working on a few different projects including Queen of Hearts which is part of
Bluewater’s Manga line.  It’s all about how the villain from “Alice in Wonderland” became the queen of hearts.  
That has been a real dream come true to write because I love Alice in Wonderland.  I’m also working on a new
series for mature audiences called “Paparazzi” which is this wicked cool tale about Superheroes vs. over-
zealous journalists in L.A and all their dirty little secrets which has become a real labor of love*. https://www.

Then there is ‘the WASPs” featuring Riechen Lehmkul in a time travel story with his grandmother who was a
WW2 pilot…think Indiana Jones meets Sex in the City (snickers)

For my own projects, I am working on a great Graphic Novel with my good friend and fellow writer Eric Arvin
called “Shadrack Island” which is a sort of slightly erotic cyberpunk story that takes place on a high tech prison
in an island.  It’s being drawn by the VERY talented HvH. He has done some incredible work on Eric’s novels.  I’m
really looking forward to working with him.  I’m also talking with artist Joe Phillips about various projects and am
working with Third Empire studios on several samplers we want to pitch to various companies.  Then of course,
there is my own children’s book, and novel that I am keeping to myself!

Allen: I had interview with
Eric Arvin posted at Jazma on Febuary, 17th,2008.

Pick 3 Political Power and 3 Female Force comics you would like to write about. Why would you like to write
about these people?

Adam: Interestingly enough, I was offered a couple of the political Female Force book when they first went into
production.  I try to stay away from anything political.  Politics is not something I am terribly interested in to be
totally honest.

Allen:  What would you like to say to readers that have not decided if they want Female Force: J.K. Rowling

Adam:  Give it a try!  What do you have to lose really?

Allen:  Adam. It was really great to re-interview you. Good Luck with Female Force: J.K. Rowling issue. Would
you like to leave readers with any closing thoughts about biography coming out in December?

Adam: Go out and buy it!  And who knows…if you live in Central Iowa and see me at a Borders or a Barnes and
Noble…grab me and say hi!  I don’t bite…much…
"Headwig's Theme"
Harry Potter Soundtrack- John Williams