Read the Interview with Lady Seer Here
Read the Garage Man of Marysville
Read the Old Hag Syndrome article
Read Crop Circles: Doug & Dave Here
Read A Haunting in Pioneer Here
Read Morphing Transforming UFO's
Read about Alese Osborn: Psychic
Diagnosing Here
Read about Notorious BIG Here
Read about the Avatar or Hope vs. The
Avatar of Evil- Shannon &
Read about a Vampirish Goth Night
Read about Xara the Zombris (Zombie)
Read about Demonic Possession Here
Chantal and the Zombie Here
Read about A Haunted Night in Truckee
Read the Ginger Henderson story here
Romanian Animals need your help! Please donate to Shannon & Paul's favorite Cause,
Witchapalooza! Kristy Swanson &
Malcolm McDowell interviews here
Haunted Gay High School, TX Here
A Haunting interview about FEMA here
Interview with Medium Melodie here
Read interview with author Pamela
Glasner here:
Read a haunting in Stockton Tyrol
Lane + New Moon Here
Read a haunting in Fort Bragg Here
Read interview with Carol Castro Here:
Read UFO Incident at Fort Benning Here
New Years Eve 2010 at Darkness Here
The haunted Oroville Cottage Here:
Another Witness to UFO's at Fort Benning
Visited by ET's: No Doubt Here
Interview with Eliahi Priest here
The Chupacabra in San Diego here:
Tour Placerville with Shannon & Paul Here:
Review of Real Zombies by Brad Steiger
Interview with psychic Jennifer Newell here
Interview with Raven the witch here
Interview with Carmela Roman here:
Blinded by Science- UFO! here
Can't find what you are
looking for? Search it!
Area 51- Chris Ragasa Interview here
The theme to this article is by Sean Kingston - Take You There. I saw paradise and the slums of Jamaica and
now step back and hear the song here:
Firefly Secret Cabins in Negril
January 24, 2011 Monday is the start of my adventure. I drove up to the place of my work and my co-workers and
employees threw me a Bon Voyage - Post Birthday Party with spinach dip, sugar cookies, Fritos and melted
cheese. My employee Gina De La Rosa took me to the airport and will be watching my car, saving me an
enormous amount of money on parking fees! Thank you Gina.
I am in communication with Shannon 'Ms. Macabre' McCabe throughout this travel adventure via text messaging,
keeping her abreast of all the events as she suggests this and that for places to investigate as she monitors
various areas of haunting activity on the gorgeous island of Jamaica. My travels are with US Air as I have
layovers in Phoenix, Arizona; Charlotte, North Carolina and of course my final destination is Montego Bay,
My stay will be at the Firefly, Secret Cabins in Negril. For more information about this hotel, you can find it
Phone Number: 1 876 957 4358
I highly recommend this hotel, because the prices are super reasonable, the staff are exceptionally friendly and
it's right along the beach. Get your pina colada in hand and take in the beautiful sunshine and white sands!
I am a social butterfly and I do not hesitate to meet people at the airport and my first encounter was with Stacey
Scott. Stacey is unsure about the paranormal and has never experienced anything with the paranormal, so we
talked about her husband's fantastic wood work that he sells and she recommends my readers to check out ,, for more information call 519 998 2813.
I did not like my experience on US Air. Why? US Air gives me my boarding pass and does not give back my
itinerary. I had to call my friend CC Freeman, Eugenia from Unique Travel to piece together on where I was
staying at and how I was getting home. So, I spent most of my time on my cell getting the information and found
out I was getting home on Continental, leaving on 1/29/2011 from Montego Bay to Houston, Texas and finally to
Sacramento, California. The employees on US Air are not people friendly. Some I found rude and not helpful
at all. Talked to one person riding first class from Sacramento to Phoenix and for the life of me cannot
understand why a person would pay all that money to ride first class from Sacramento to Phoenix just because
they have a bigger seat, they get Kettle chips and the rest of us don't. They get privacy with a see through gray
curtain. Perhaps if you paid first class to fly a long distance might be worthy, but a short distance of Sacramento
to Phoenix? Why would I want to fly first class, if the plane were to crash, wouldn't the first class customers be the
first ones killed? I rather be sitting all the way in the back. Oh well, that's my thoughts on first class. Whoopee doo.
As we continue with this journal, I will most likely leave out the days, because I will soon be on 'island time' and
when you are on island time, you get your days all mixed up. Okay, who else did I meet? American
hero. Abby Priolo who I sat with from Phoenix, Arizona to Charlotte, North Carolina. She is in the Air Force and is
a weapons specialist. She has been in Iraq 4 times! She is making the Air Force a career and only can hope that
the world will be a kinder place. She was a real sweetheart!
Then I met Kristine Wilson at Charlotte and she is into Aquaculture and was a student at the University of Bergen.
She is headed over to Puerto Rico to stay with her sister for a spell. Conversing with Kristine, made my layover
go by quickly. She suggested I should investigate the Halifax Explosion in which a Norwegian ship crashed into
another ship and it caused the deaths of many people. This area is reputed to be very haunted. As a Canadian
she is very in tune with the legend of the haunting activity at the Halifax explosion. I get many good tips, from the
people I meet.
Finally at Montego it comes. Time to be ripped off by a taxi driver. As savvy as I might try to
be, I still got ripped off. Ugh! Meet Donald Johnson, Tour Operator and Taxi Driver. I discover a two way trip from
Montego Bay to Negril - Negril to Montego Bay should ONLY cost $100.00. Donald of course charges me
$110.00 ONE WAY! Again, I got slammed dunk! I DO NOT recommend Donald to anyone. Try to have your
transportation prepared when arriving in Jamaica.
As I arrive to Firefly - Secret Cabins, I am given a grand tour by the manager. I love my cabin, very comfy and
quaint. If I want to utilize the restrooms and showers, they are outside. The restroom and showers are very clean
and as I take a shower, I am exposed to the world, except for a small little door that covers the essential parts of
my body, so no one is shocked! And..yes..the beach is a 1 minute walk!! At the beach are several bars, so the
pina coladas are willing and ready to set you in the mood for a festive time and also for a relaxing time in
The very first night I was there, one of the lady employees yells at me...."Come Paul, rum party tonight!!" The rum
party was a bonfire, dancing, reggae music and of course lots of rum!!
As I stay at the Firefly, I learn that every day on the beach you are solicited for something. Such as: "You want
some ganja mon?" Ganja is marijuana. Nah, don't smoke it. Then they say: "You have long hair mon, you must
smoke!" Sorry, just because I have long hair, does not mean I smoke ganja. Then being a single guy..."hey, mon,
I can get you sum Jamaican pooooo---!!" No, I don't need any help in finding Jamaican poooo----. But, besides
that type of soliciting, you can buy an assortment of fruit, lobster, fish, drinks, clothes, souvenirs, etc.
One of the investigations I worked on as requested by Shannon McCabe and one of my investigators Deborah
Baughman, is the White Witch of Jamaica. Because of the people around me during this tour, I was not able to
obtain any EVPs. I am not psychic, but you feel the heaviness of depression around Rose Hall. It's because the
White Witch known as Annie Palmer ran this huge sugar plantation in the 1700s. She was born in France and
was petite, beautiful and only 4 feet tall. She longed to be in France and found hardship in Jamaica. With that
hardship came cruelty and torture. She was feared by the slaves she owned. If she had sex with one of the
slaves, his days were numbered, he was headed for an execution. Annie ruled with an iron fist and enjoyed
performing public whippings. She would torture some of her slaves in her dungeon. The slaves taught her
voodoo, which included human sacrifice. The human sacrifice included infants, in which she would grind up their
bones to create magic. Interviewing Camille Kerry-Ann Thompson O'Donnell, she tells me that Obeah is popular
with some of the natives of Jamaica, while Voodoo is popular in Haiti. Obeah utilizes animal blood, while Voodoo
utilizes animal blood, human blood and human baby skin. Human baby skin can be used as papyrus to write
messages of magic on. Babies are known to be missing in many parts of Haiti. In Voodoo, their are potions to
keep a man or even to kill a man.
After Camille told me some of the chilling stories of Voodoo, she turned the conversation light, by telling me how
she started taking Herbalife in October of 2009. She tells me that at one time she was 238 lbs and dropped
instantly down to 231 lbs. She has now started a business with Herbalife in November 2010 and she is now down
to 185 lbs. She makes claim that Herbalife enhances your energy and provides essential vitamins to your immune
system. If you are interested in Herbalife, she can be contacted at: or 876 538-9779.
According to Michael Watson, a gentleman I met at the Firefly with his beautiful wife Kay Watson told me more
about Annie Palmer. He says that Annie Palmer killed 5 of her husbands, she had a slave strangle to death one
of her husbands, she poisoned another, she drove one husband mad and he jumped out of a window to his
death. Another one, she placed a hex on and it lead to his untimely death. Another husband, she had a slave
stab him to death. The last husband she discovered he had an affair with a female slave and that is something
she did not tolerate, it was okay for her to have an affair with a slave, but not any of her husbands. I also, learn
that fixing a person aka passing a 'blow' is actually cursing that person in Voodoo!
Michael and Kay Watson come to Jamaica all the time. They are familiar with all of the locals and they meet old
time friends that also frequent Jamaica on a yearly basis. They tell me about the cock fights in Jamaica that are
legendary. The cock fights take place in Sheffield. The excitement is overflowing as the natives chant Woo, woo,
woo, woo, woo. The cocks are weighed on old time scales. Michael introduces me to a Rasta friend who
welcomes me to witness a cock fight. I would not want to go to one of these events, since I am an animal lover
and I contribute to and Greenpeace. Michael reassures me that many of the cocks are pulled out of
the fight before death. Michael and Kay also tell me about the Maroons of Jamaica that practice Obeah. Legend
has it that a nanny took the runaway slaves to the Blue Mountains where they were taught jungle warfare and
learned Obeah.
Michael tells me that there is a Jamaican White Witch of the East, she is Errol Flynn's wife Patrice. She is known
to work her employees hard and is relentless in monitoring their hard labor on her property. She is also known
not to pay them at times and that they must battle her in courts to get the money due to them. She is known to be
outrageously mean. I had some Jamaicans try and tell me their ghost stories, but when they speak 'Pattawa', it is
very difficult to understand them. Pattawa is broken English spoken very fast. Michael and Kay give away many
things to the natives. So far they have given away a massage table, clothes, soap and tool sets. They enjoy
seeing the smiles on the natives faces, as they are given things that they can use in their everyday lives.
I tried riding a Jet Ski and was somewhat nervous, since I am not the strongest swimmer in the world, but it was
fun and I was glad I did it, my very first time. Another couple I met was Jeff Bird and the lovely Joanne Pronger
Faulkner of Shawinigan Lake BC! A great couple to talk to. They told me about a famous ghost story in the city of
Victoria BC, that is called 'Michelle Remembers', in which is about a girl that was locked up in a small cubbyhole in
her home. Her ghost is still haunting that home. Another great tip.
As I walked around the beach, a Jamaican Rasta comes up to me and asks if I am related to Paul Escobar - the
Columbian drug lord. I told him 'no'. He then tells me that I look like Paul Escobar with my sunglasses and dark
hair. I said..."thanks, I think."
Another vacationer I meet is Necia Plummer. She tells me that she is from Northeastern Indiana and she once
moved into a home that was 100 years old. She would hear megaphone ragtime music play in that home. She
learned that a mean old man lived in the home and he had died of cancer. She once saw a figure of a man at the
foot of her bed and she could see on the apparition the face of a cancer ridden man. She would smell patulli
essence in the home. A picture she had of her father and son, would disappear and reappear many times over.
The picture was often found later under a floor rug. Her son would have night terrors in this home. Her deceased
father would also visit her at this home, perhaps her deceased father's visit was to protect her from the mean old
man ghost. She would smell her father's cologne throughout the house, the smell of Stetson cologne. Necia will
always remember this home, she also wants me to check out Blood Road in Indiana, because on some nights the
road looks like blood and has the reputation of being haunted. Necia tells me that she has psychic abilities. Her
sister moved and just by driving around, she was able to locate her sister's home by simply using her intuition.
She has a strong connection with dolphins and she remembers how she was on a boat and a dolphin swam up to
her and greeted her. A dolphin lead her to witness the birth of a dolphin.
As I explored the island, I was amazed at all of the wild goats and the goats that are pets for the natives of the
island. There are banana trees everywhere and there are lizards everywhere. I found lizards all around my cabin,
they were adorable.
Stacy and Sohidie are native Jamaicans. They tell me their ghost story.
Stacy: While in the town of Newton, Stacy was visiting some friends on a hill. Stacy and her friends were
celebrating Nine Night, a party for the deceased. While she was walking home by her grandmother's property
singing Dirty Wine, she went into a trance. She can't explain why she went into a trance, but she did. She felt an
evil entity that would not allow her to pass. She then smelled something sweet in the air. She started chanting and
felt the entity sweep up behind her. She kept chanting positive things and the entity finally allowed her to pass.
Sohidie: When she came to the town of Newton, she lived with her grandfather. One night her grandfather left the
home to visit a friend. She was all alone in the home. When she fell asleep on her grandfather's bed, the sheet
was violently pulled off of her. She pulled the sheet back on top of her. She woke up and heard maniacal
laughing. She then saw 3 old ladies (ghosts) standing around the bed. She ran in the bathroom, scared to death.
She later realized that the 3 ladies were her mom, that died when she was 11 1/2 years old, her grandfather's
deceased wife and her deceased aunt that died in 2008. She was so scared that night, she ran into the next
bedroom and jumped in bed with her two sons. She now thinks that the deceased family members meant no harm
to her and were laughing in a positive way and were pleased at her well-being and how she grew up to be a
beautiful woman and a mother to her children.
Sohidie - When she was pregnant 8 1/2 months, she dreamed that she saw her cousin's father, but discovered it
was not a dream, but an actual ghost in her room. She saw her cousin's father standing over her and he had the
shiniest gold teeth she ever saw. The ghost played with her feet and the ghost said: "If you continue to keep
getting pregnant, I will kill the next baby!" After she saw the ghost of her family member, the guys that she would
go out with, seemed to be cursed, because every one of them would get bitten by a centipede. The curse has
finally ended.
Jeff & Joanne Pronger Faulkner
Merc Samson (not his real name) is a long time reader of mine, come to find out, he used to read articles,
interviews and reviews I did when I was in the comic book business (Jazma Online!). Merc with 4 crew members
and me, went on his yacht to Pedernales, Dominican Republic in which he was there to pick up some supplies
and back over to Marigot, Haiti in which I was taken in a jeep to a certain location blind folded to meet 27 year old
Keesha, the Voodoo Queen. Merc was ecstatic because he claims Keesha has a great gift. The gift of prophesy,
a gift of future events. He makes claim she predicted the 2010 Haiti earthquake months ahead of time. As I meet
the lovely Keesha in a shack that is ordained with animal skins and strange bottles with odd liquid substances,
this is the interview I had with Keesha. My time was limited with Keesha.
Note: I am not allowed to talk about Merc's occupation and I am not allowed to mention the name of his yacht.
Paul: Keesha, Merc tells me you have the gift of prophesy.
Keesha: Yes, I have this gift mon.
Paul: Merc tells me that you have a prophesy for the United States.
Keesha: Yes mon. 2011 America will see no money, people panic. Panic in the streets.
Paul: We are going to have an economic disaster?
Keesha: You call it this, yes. Your government make you stay in your homes after dark, you can no come out.
Paul: Martial law?
Keesha: No come out.
Paul: Martial law means 'no come out'.
Keesha: Yes mon.
Paul: What else will happen?
Keesha: Your people go to places your government take you, no come out, many people get sick.
Paul: Sounds like confinement camps, what do you mean they get sick?
Keesha: Government give them no care mon, many people sick and die.
Paul: This is very gloomy scenario, is there a bright spot in all of this.
Keesha: No understand mon.
Paul: Will there be any good out of this prophesy?
Keesha: I don't see nothing else mon.
At this time, a large man came into the room and he says Keesha is exhausted and we must leave. Once again
Merc blindfolds me as I am driven away to his yacht. On the voyage home, I became ill (sea sick) twice. As I got
back to the Firefly, I can only hope that Keesha is incorrect with her prophesy.
The Slums of Jamaica
Dawn Zepp from Philadelphia; Kenroy Wedderburn - Security at Firefly (Gave him my Warriors Jersey as a
present - great guy!). Jeff & Joanne Pronger Faulkner who drove me from the Firefly to the Montego Bay Airport,
saving me loads of money for a taxi! Thank you!! Merc Samson who took me on his yacht to Haiti and the
Dominican Republic to interview 27 year old Keesha - the Voodoo Queen! Thank you Merc!
Stacy-Ann Ross received my Las Vegas black t-shirt as a gift for providing me with a good Jamaican ghost story!
Thank you Stacy! Gina De La Rosa for driving me to Sacramento International Airport and for picking me up with
her boyfriend Theo at the airport! I hope you enjoy your Jamaican t-shirt for watching my car while I was on
vacation! Maximillian - known as the Man with the Right Medicine for your Mental Mind. Andrea Gardner from
Canada! Beatrice Coria from Argentina that is a Tarot Card Reader and Artist! Shannon McCabe who receives a
Jamaican t-shirt for taking care of some important items for me while I was gone!
Kris Betts and Paul Dale Roberts
On one night had dinner with Stacy-Ann Ross, Sohidie Thompson, Michael & Kay Watson for drinks, kunk, jerk
chicken, pilaf rice, banana daiquiris, lobster and listened to a popular reggae band as they played:
Jammin' by Bob Marley and the Wailers
Montego Bay by Freddie Notes and the Rudie
Get Up, Stand Up - Bob Marley
Buffalo Soldier - Bob Marley
Red, Red Wine - UB4O
I Shot the Sheriff - Bob Marley
Rock Steady - Alton Ellis & the Flames
I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash
Electric Avenue - Eddy Grant
Three Little Birds - Bob Marley
-- Having breakfast and getting ready to fly back home. Had that Burger King breakfast with Kris Betts. Kris says
in her own words: "I'm not sure if I believe that ghosts really exist, however, right after my wedding, I took pictures
and discovered orbs in the picture, I can only wonder if it was my deceased relative that attended the wedding. I
would love to go on a ghost hunt! Kris now lives in North Carolina.
--- Jerk Chicken! If you go to Jamaica, try the Jerk Chicken! It's super delicious, the sauce is out-of-this world!
---- Lobster Man: This was my new nickname. The Jamaicans started calling me Lobster Man, because the sun
made my skin very red. Sigh.
---- $68.00 Firefly Bar Tab. This is memorable, because I ate a lot and drank a lot at the bar at the Firefly and
$68.00 is a good price!
----- According to many Jamaican women I interviewed, Jamaican men have it made. They conceive babies
throughout the island and pay no child support. One man is known to have 22 children around the island and
pays no child support.
Remember Bob Marley says it best: "Don't worry about a thing, because every little thing will be alright." I
remember hearing the song from Bob Marley - Three Little Birds while sitting in the hot Jacuzzi with pina colada in
hand. Can't get any better than that!
Special Note: I did not run into the Trident Tailed Sea Monster in the Bermuda Triangle and I did not see any
UFOs in the Bermuda Triangle. Sigh.
Volcano Scouting Mission Photos from Melanie MacConnell
Hi Paul,
Sorry this took so long. I was really really tired and my puter gave me problems so I just went to bed.
It was a great investigation. I loved having the historians talk with us. It really helps to know the background of the
area. Plus my interest in gold prospecting made it that much more interesting. The fireplace is awesome. CVPS
will be back for sure.
Here is a link to my photos
I did try to recreate the shadow photo and found that it had to have been a very tall person wearing a hoodie,
standing with his back to the door with the hood up. The person I used to recreate was just over 5ft tall. I found
the person would have to have been at least 6.5 tall. I don't remember anyone that tall there that night.
We enjoyed meeting Ellie and appreciate the invitation to investigate her home. How lucky she is to live in such a
beautiful area.
CVPS has a new site and web address . Stop by and check it out.
Have a great trip to Jamaica. I can't wait to read the interview with the Voodoo Priestess. I wouldn't accept any
offers of rum while visiting her. ;-)
See you at the next one!
Filipino Ghost Stories: Spine-Tingling Tales of Supernatural Encounters and Hauntings! By Alex G. Paman:
HPI Impromptu Quiet Haven Cemetery
HPI Takes a Look at the Ryde Hotel
Spirits of the Hotel Video Part 1 Link
Spirits of the Hotel Video Part 2 Link
Spirits of the Hotel Video Part 3 Link
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Adventurer and World Traveler
aka The Demon Warrior
Shannon McCabe's Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International
Lorena's Angel's Cards by Diana Lorena Valencia Riomana
Managed by Staci Butler, HPI Twitter Account Manager/HPI Senior Lead Investigator
Dark View HPI Videos
Cellular Paranormal Hotline: 916 203 7503
If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI


IIf you like Pina Coladas... then drink 3
and look like this! Happy Mon!